In a recent development, Zomato, the popular food delivery service, introduced a distinct offering catering exclusively to pure vegetarian consumers. This specialized service...
The Election Commission of India recently announced the dates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, scheduled to take place from April 19th to...
Following the electoral bond disclosures by the State Bank of India and the Election Commission, social media platforms have been buzzing with speculation...
On Monday, March 11, 2024, the Central Government officially put into effect the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), marking the implementation of the legislation...
In the Rajya Sabha elections held on February 27 in three states—Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Himachal Pradesh—significant political developments unfolded, particularly drawing attention...
A video circulating on social media depicts an incident where a man appears to be forcibly taking away a young woman. Claims accompanying...
A photograph depicting a school scene with a few girls seated on a muddy and boggy ground, supposedly portraying the aftermath of rainfall,...
In a significant turn of events that captured the attention of the entire nation, a momentous diplomatic triumph unfolded as eight former Indian...
Pakistani social media users recently shared a video showcasing protests in Ladakh, an Indian Himalayan Union Territory. The accompanying assertions from these users...