Against the backdrop of the recent controversy sparked by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Ramesh Bidhuri’s remarks directed at Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)...
A member of the All India Trinamool Congress party, Kirti Azad (Archived link), recently posted an image on the X platform, formerly known...
On September 19th, the diplomatic relationship between India and Canada took a significant and unfavorable turn. While the two countries had strained ties,...
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India achieved a historic milestone by earmarking 33 percent of Lok Sabha and state assembly...
An X user using the username Param Choudhary (Archived link) posted a screenshot of a newspaper cutting that said, “If you don’t vote,...
On Tuesday, YouTuber Abhisar Sharma (Archived link) who runs propaganda through his videos, in his recent video titled “Astrology for Selection of Players?...
Despite being overseen by monarchs, Al-Jazeera, a Qatari state-owned media outlet, provides insights into India’s democratic values. In 2022, when Qatar hosted the...
Amidst the G20 summit, which gathered delegates from around the world, the Congress party made a disconcerting move on Friday by releasing a...
As the world is well aware, Bharat is hosting a splendid G-20 summit in New Delhi this weekend. On the global stage, the...