Yesterday, on March 13, 2023, the Indian song ‘Natu-Natu’ of RRR movie won the Oscar prize. However, After this, an India National Congress...
The annual celebration of Holi, one of India’s most popular and joyous festivals, has once again been marred by a wave of misleading...
On January 6, 2023, Anti-Hindu news outlets Hindutva Watch and Hate Detector shared a video on their Twitter handle that stirred up controversy...
The economy is the defining factor of any government’s ability to showcase its achievements. Every election cycle, the economy becomes the primary factor...
On March 4, 2023, BRS party social media convenor Y Sathish Reddy, also known as YSR, shared an infographic on his Twitter handle....
In today’s age of social media, misinformation, and fake news spread faster than wildfire, and politicians are often the targets of such propaganda....
In recent months, Dhirendra Shastri aka Bageshwar Dham Sarkar has gained popularity for his staunch support of Sanatan dharma and his fierce attitude....
Hindutva Watch, known for his anti-Hindu bias and infamous for spreading misinformation on twitter tweeted an article from his website with caption “Both...
On February 27, 2023, Bhupen Kumar Borah, the president of the Assam Pradesh Congress Committee, shared a picture on his official Twitter handle...