The enduring shadows cast by the Nuh violence persist, imparting a sombre hue to the prevailing atmosphere. Within this narrative, the Muslim community’s...
Amidst the shadows of turmoil that have clouded the picturesque landscapes of Manipur, a glimmer of hope for peace emerges, guiding the state...
In the aftermath of the horrific incident that took place in Manipur, where two women were paraded naked and subjected to an unspeakable...
On July 11, 2023, a Twitter handle with the username “Dravidian” sparked a wave of curiosity and debate by sharing a captivating picture...
A few days after false reports of the RSS and BJP operating a sex racket in an Indore massage parlour went viral on...
A tweet from the Twitter account Chandrakant Ghatge that lists the leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and right-wing Hindu organisations whose...
Recently, our team stumbled upon the documentary video named Kashmir: Lines of Control on the microblogging site. The Twitter users Kashmir Scholars and...
Election rallies and rhetoric often go hand in hand, but sometimes the political parties go a step ahead and speak- a plain white...
Rofl Gandhi 2.0, the troll account and Congress supporter, tweeted the 11 seconds video clip of PM Narendra Modi. In the 11-second video...