
No, the video of a Man helping people cross a flooded road using his pushcart is not from India but from Colombia

On July 27, 2023, a video surfaced on social media, shared by left-leaning propagandist Jayati Ghosh. The video showcased a scene of a man assisting people in crossing a flooded road using his pushcart. However, along with the video, Jayati Ghosh also shared her views on the video. In her thought-provoking post, Ghosh lamented the video as a state of “New India,” where progress and development seemed overshadowed by persistent inequalities. According to her, The video served as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by the nation’s infrastructure, weakened by the devastating impacts of climate change.

So, is the video shared by Jayati Ghosh in which a man is helping people in crossing a flooded road using his pushcart really from India? Let’s Fact Check.

Also Read: Viral Video of Lynching Muslim Man Not from India, Mastermind Identified as Md. Sumon from Bangladesh – No Communal Angle, Claim Proven Fake

Fact Check

During our investigation, we first conducted a reverse search of the video shared by Jayati Ghosh. During this, we came across an identical video posted on Reddit a striking 11 months ago. The title of the Reddit post was quite intriguing: “To earn money during inconvenience.”

Unfortunately, the exact location of the heartwarming scene was not explicitly mentioned in the title or within the video itself. However, we explored the comments section of the Reddit post. During this, we stumbled upon a series of comments pointing to a potential location for the video—Barranquilla, Colombia.

source: Reddit
source: Reddit

While the location had not been officially confirmed, the collective insight from Reddit users provided us with a strong lead.

After this, as our investigation delved deeper, we came across a report published by India Times on September 17, 2022. The visuals showcased in this report were indeed the same as those shared by Jayati Ghosh, but the reality they portrayed was far from what was initially claimed.

source: India Times

According to the India Times report, the video is actually from Colombia, where a man ingeniously devised a makeshift pushcart to assist people in crossing a flooded road. However, the man in the video was not merely offering his aid out of goodwill; instead, he was charging money for his services.

source: India Times

As our fact-checking journey continued, we came across another report, this time by The Indian Express, published on September 18, 2022. Astonishingly, this report also shared the visuals seen in the video shared by Jayati Ghosh. Moreover, according to this report also, the video is from Barranquilla, Colombia, where a man ferrying pedestrians across a flooded road in a type of makeshift pushcart, and taking money for his service.

source: The Indian Express

Hence, all these points prove that the video shared by left-leaning propagandist Jayati Ghosh, depicting a man helping people cross a flooded road with his pushcart, has been conclusively linked to Barranquilla, Colombia, and not India, as suggested. Thus, Jayati Ghosh’s attempt to suggest that the video originated in India, perhaps to further her own agenda, has been debunked by compelling evidence.

ClaimVideo of a man helping people in crossing a flooded road using his pushcart is from India
Claimed byJayati Ghosh
Fact CheckFalse and Misleading

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