
Video of Baby Trapped Under Rubble Emerges from Syrian Earthquake, not Gaza

In the midst of the continuing war between Israel and Hamas, many Palestinian supporters are filling the internet with disinformation by uploading past incidents and videos and erroneously linking them to the current ongoing violence. A user with the handle @/inpic0 (Archived link) posted a video of a baby trapped beneath debris and how she was rescued. The person who posted the video wrote, “While the Western media is still searching for a picture of a single beheaded Israeli child to justify the barbaric crimes of the Israel, In 5 days and until this morning alone, the Israel killed 447 Palestinian children in Gaza 447 brutal killings documented in audio and video, which the Western media applauds and calls self-defense.”

Another user (Archived link) remarked, “A baby was rescued alive at the #Gaza strip after Israeli strikes hit his home and killed all his family members as appreciated in shocking footage. #Palestine.”

Furthermore, the user Vipin Bishnoi (Archived link) uploaded the video with the caption, “I have no words to say… it is a very painful and horrifying situation. please stop the war.”

Also Read: Image Showing Chiles’s Police Officer Kneeling On Neck Of Bleeding Boy Falsely Linked To Israel-Hamas Conflict

Fact Check

We began our research by conducting a reverse image search on the extracted keyframes of the video and discovered that it was from the Syria earthquake. In the start of the year, 7.8 earthquake struck southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria. According to the report dated February 12, 2023, where we discovered the same video uploaded, a baby was trapped under the rubble in the earthquake in the Cenderes town of Afrin, Aleppo region of Syria. Luckily the infant was rescued alive from the rubble in the early hours of the earthquake.

A video of a baby trapped beneath the rubble
Source: yeniakit

Further, we also found a tweet by the Syria Civil Defence (Archived link), who on February 11, 2023, tweeted the same video of the child rescue and wrote, “Her baby sister sacrificed herself… Incredible moments to save a baby alive who was in the lap of her sister. The city of Jandiris in the countryside of Afrin, north of #Aleppo, at dawn on Monday, Feb 6, after the violent #earthquake that hit northwestern regions of #Syria..”

Hence, the claim that the footage is from Gaza and that the infant being saved is Palestinian is incorrect and false. The incident is from Syria, where a newborn infant was trapped beneath rubble after the country was struck by an earthquake.

ClaimVideo of a child getting rescued after being trapped beneath the rubble is from Gaza
Claimed bySocial media users
Fact CheckFalse

Also Read: Decade old Video Of Young Boy Crying For His Dead Sisters Is Not From Gaza, But Syria

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