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Images showing Hamas terrorist smiling with a kid and Israeli force capturing a kid is not from recent ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Images of Hamas Smiling with a Kid and Israeli Force Capturing a Kid: Unrelated to Recent Ongoing Israel-Hamas War

Kashif Arsalaan, the fake news peddler and rabid hate monger sitting in a foreign land who frequently spews venom against the Hindu community,...

X handle Qattar_Affairs claims that Qatar has threaten to stop the supply of gas to the world if Israel does not stop bombing on Gaza

Account ‘Qattar_Affairs’ Spreads False Information: Qatar Experts Denies Threat to Halt Gas Supply Amidst Israel-Palestine War

Sadaf Afreen, who is a journalist according to her bio and has a history of spreading fake and false misinformation on the X...

A video goes viral with a claim that Hamas terrorists has shot down four Israeli helicopters.

Viral video showing Hamas terrorists shooting down four Israeli helicopters is fake and animated

Amidst the ongoing battle between Hamas and Israel, several videos and photographs have spread on social media, each accompanied by a different claim....