Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the government-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited on Saturday (November 25), during which he flew a Tejas fighter aircraft in...
In a relentless critique that extends beyond Indian politics, democracy, cricket, clothing, and medicine, The Economist has turned its attention to lambast Indian...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has established a tradition of observing Deepawali alongside the Jawans on the frontlines of India, a custom that underscores...
Just a few days ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced the concluding ceremony of the Meri Maati Mera Desh – Amrit Kalash Yatra...
Abhisar Sharma, a journalist who has faced recent allegations of receiving Chinese bribes in exchange for producing pro-China content, has released a YouTube...
In a recent incident in the United States, Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar was confronted by a journalist who raised concerns about discrimination against...
On Tuesday, India awoke to the Delhi police conducting raids on the premises of Newsclick’s founder and its journalists, alongside others who posed...
Blaming Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the BJP, and the RSS for bearing responsibility for every significant and minor issue has become a prevailing...
Amidst the G20 summit, which gathered delegates from around the world, the Congress party made a disconcerting move on Friday by releasing a...