A heartbreaking video of a young boy wailing and crying for his sisters, who purportedly killed during Israel’s siege of Gaza, is circulating...
Kashif Arsalaan, the fake news peddler and rabid hate monger sitting in a foreign land who frequently spews venom against the Hindu community,...
On October 13, 2023, a Pakistani X user named Muntazir Mehdi shared a picture of child dead bodies and wrote, These Children of...
In the midst of the Israel-Palestine conflict, social media platforms have become inundated with a deluge of fabricated posts, forged videos, and manipulated...
Sadaf Afreen, who is a journalist according to her bio and has a history of spreading fake and false misinformation on the X...
Amidst the ongoing battle between Hamas and Israel, several videos and photographs have spread on social media, each accompanied by a different claim....
In the midst of the present Israel-Palestine conflict, various social media accounts are worsening the situation by disseminating disinformation. They are circulating old...
Since Saturday morning, Israel has found itself embroiled in a conflict with the Palestinian militant organization, Hamas. The hostilities commenced early that morning...
A video recently went viral on social media. In the video, police officers were seen taking different men out of the car, one...