
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech was interrupted due to a teleprompter issue? Fact Check

On January 18, 2022, Rahul Gandhi mocked the Prime Minister saying that “Even teleprompter could not take so many lies”, conveying that he cannot speak without the teleprompter.

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The AAP leader and MP Sanjay Singh on January 18, 2022, took the jibe on Prime Minister with the caption that अरे Teleprompter जी “आम कैसे खाया जाता है?” PLZ बताओ न।. Where we can see a video attachment of Prime Minister’s speech at Davos 2022 summit. In the video we can hear PM Modi saying “This bouquet includes our technology to empower everybody, our temperament and talent…..” before taking pause.

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Congress leader and MP Revanth Reddy also tweeted that “As always Rahul Ji’s prediction about PM has come true… This is embarrassing for all Indians”

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Before looking into the matter let us first understand what is teleprompter and who uses a teleprompter. As per oxford’s definition, a Teleprompter is a device used to project a speaker’s script onto a transparent panel in front of a television camera lens in such a way that the text remains hidden from the camera. The teleprompter is majorly used by TV studios and politicians during their speeches.

Fact Check

While conducting the research on the matter we came across the YouTube link where Prime Minister can be seen addressing World Economic Forum on January 17, 2022.

In the video, from 6 mins 36 secs we can see that the Prime Minister stopped midway in his speech to ask Economist and Founder of World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab to know whether he is audible or not.

Source: YouTube Sansad TV

Realizing that there was a glitch, Klaus Schwab introduced the PM, and the PM started the speech all over again. Furthermore, from 7 mins 18 secs Klaus Schwab announced to re-start the official session.

To know more about the glitch we looked into videos of different channel of the same speech, where we came across a video shared by the Hindustan Times. In the video from 51 secs we can see that the coordinator interrupted Prime Minister asking him to know whether everybody is connected or not – ‘ Sir aap unse ek baar puche sab jud gaye kya’.

Click here for the Youtube link

The reason why PM Modi stopped speaking was because of interjection from the team. The sequence of events clearly shows that the interruption was because of a technical glitch, and not cause of a teleprompter issue.

Thereupon, the claim made by the official Twitter handle of The Congress, Rahul Gandhi, AAP party leader and MP Sanjay Singh followed by the Congress MP Revnath Reddy is misleading

ClaimPM Modi stopped his speech due to a teleprompter issue.
Claimed byRahul Gandhi, Indian National Congress, AAP leader MP Sanjay Singh, Congress MP Revnath Reddy
Fact CheckMisleading

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