Home Others No, Vivek Agnihotri did not promise to give 50% profit of TKF to KPs

No, Vivek Agnihotri did not promise to give 50% profit of TKF to KPs

Movie critic KRK made a misleading claim about Vivek Agnihotri.
Vivek Agnihotri did not promise to give 50% profit of TKF

Kamaal R. Khan, a Bollywood actor turned film critic, has mastered the art of being in the news all the time, but for the wrong reasons. With his scathing film reviews, he mostly targets the entertainment business and important figures. However, he has changed his tune following the release of the film Pathan. He is frequently spotted on the microblogging site attacking The Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri while praising Pathan.

In a recent tweet, Kamaal says that Vivek pledged to give Kashmiri Pandits 50% of the profits from The Kashmir Files. However, he didn’t give them a single penny.

Did Vivek Agnihotri really promise to give 50% profit of The Kashmir Files to Kashmiri Pandits or Kamaal Khan is just bluffing? Let’s fact check his claim.

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Fact Check

We started the research with a keyword search “Vivek Agnihotri promise to give 50% profit of The Kashmir Files.” However, with the keyword search, our team did not find any report confirming KRK’s claim.

Instead, we learned that the Karni Sena had pressed the producers to give half of the profits. According to HW News, the Karni Sena has asked the makers of ‘TKF’ to donate half of the film’s revenues to the benefit of Kashmiri Pandits.

To show solidarity, the Karni Sena chief suggested that the filmmakers give 50% of the film’s net profit to the welfare of displaced Kashmiri Pandits.

The Karni Sena appealed the makers of The Kashmir Files to give 50% profit of the earning to Kashmiri pandits.
Source: HW News

Furthermore, we discovered an interview video by Haryana Tak using a YouTube keyword search. Suraj Pal Ammu, the Karni Sena chief, answers questions about the TKF in the video.

From 14 seconds, the chief can be heard saying that the makers should give 50% of the film’s profits to pandits. Moreover, they should accept our demand.

Source: YouTube

Hence, according to the aforementioned facts, KRK’s claim is misleading. It wasn’t Vivek Agnihotri but Karni Sena who had demanded to give 50% of movie profits to Kashmiri pandits.

ClaimVivek Agnihotri promised to give 50% profit of TKF to Kashmiri pandits
Claimed byKRK
Fact CheckMisleading

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