
No, PM Modi did not compare 2002 riot victims to dog

On March 26, the propagandist media portal bolta Hindustan tweeted Mallikarjun Kharge’s, the current president of the Indian National Congress, remark. According to Kharge’s claim, when PM Modi was asked by the journalist in Ahemdabad if he felt pain for the people who died in the Gujarat riots violence, he responded, “If the puppy comes under wheel and is killed by the driver, you do feel pain.”

Moreover, Bolta Hindustan and Kharge tried to emphasized that PM Modi has compared the people who died in 2002 riots to dog.

Did PM Modi really compare the victims of 2002 riots to dogs? Lets fact check the claim.

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Fact Check

In the start of our research, with the keyword search “PM Modi compares Gujarat riot victims to a dog” on the YouTube, we came across a video by ABP News. The ABP in its news reporting shared the clip of PM Modi with his interview with Reuters.

ABP News (YouTube)

In the clip at 52 seconds, Prime Minister Modi is heard stating, “People have the right to criticize. When I make a mistake, I will feel guilty. This is not the situation in my case.” Further, when questioned if he felt pain for the Gujarat 2002 victims, PM Modi replied, “If someone is driving and we are sitting behind, do we feel pain or not when a small puppy comes under the wheel? We do. Whether I am the Chief Minister or not, I am a human being, and it is normal for me to experience pain when something bad occurs.” Moreover, we also found the exact statement of PM Modi in Reuter’s report.


If we look carefully at the analogy he gave, we understand that the PM was trying to say that as a human being, it is natural for him to experience pain and suffering. He compared his feeling of pain to the passenger in the car and meant when a small puppy is hit by a vehicle, even though we are not the ones driving that car and are not liable for the puppy’s mishap, we are still affected by his suffering. Similarly, when something bad occurs anywhere, even if we are not accountable for it or have any connection to it, as humans, we feel the pain.

Nowhere in his analogy, PM Modi tried to compare the victims of Gujarat riots to dog. It was misinterpreted. Hence, the remark made by Kharge is misleading and taken out of context.

ClaimPM Modi compared the Gujarat riots victim to a dog
Claimed byMallikarjun Kharge
Fact CheckMisleading

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