On March 24, 2022, the national spokesperson of the Aam Aadmi Party, Sanjay Singh, held a press conference. Moreover, in the press conference, he demanded the national party status for the AAP from election commission. While demanding it, Sanjay claimed that his party believes in fulfilling the promises mentioned in its manifesto. He further added, “We have fulfilled each and every promise made in Delhi and Punjab to uplift education and health sector.”
Is it true that Kejriwal’s party has fulfilled all the promises made in education and health sector in Delhi and Punjab or Sanjay Singh is just bluffing. Lets fact check the claim and find the truth.
Also Read: The truth behind Arvind Kejriwal’s promise and claim at Gujarat rally
Fact Check
We will only fact check the promises made in the 2015 Delhi election manifesto because the AAP has not finished its second term in Delhi and has recently formed its government in Punjab.
In the first step of our research, we read through the election manifesto of Kejriwal’s party from 2015, when he became the full time Chief Minister of Delhi. In the manifesto, we found a few promises made to uplift the education and health sectors by Kejriwal during 2015 assembly elections. Here are the few claims:
- AAP will create 900 new Primary Health Centres (PHCs).
- But, after a year in power, Kejriwal promised 1,000 mohalla clinics as a part of PHCs
- It will create 30,000 beds in Delhi hospitals
- AAP will build 500 new schools
- AAP will open 20 new colleges under Delhi administration
Furthermore, we also conducted a keyword search to verify the first claim and determine whether the AAP has truly fulfilled its promise to construct 1000 mohalla clinics (Primary Health Centres) in Delhi. We came across a report from the Dialogue Development Commission of Delhi. The report consists of Kejriwal government’s performance from 2015 to 2022.
As per the data available in report, contrary to what Kejriwal had promised, Delhi only had 520 operational mohalla clinics by 2021. Mohalla Clinics are basic health care facilities in Delhi and the province of Punjab.

Not only that, according to the India Today report, the government had set December 2016 as the deadline for the Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinic (AAMC) project. Because they did not meet the targeted deadline, it was extended until March 2017.
Moving on to the next promise made to improve the health sector in Delhi, which is to create 30,000 hospital beds. According to the AAP website, only 1,500 beds were added between 2015 and 2019 against the target of 30,000 bed count capacity.

Furthermore, 2,770 beds were created in 2021-2022, bringing the total bed count capacity to 13,844. The party had set a goal of creating 15,634 bed capacity in Delhi by 2024. There is a long way to achieve the target of creating 30,000 beds which was promised in the first manifesto during the tenure year 2015-2020.

Furthermore, the Kejriwal party has always boasted about creating the “best education model” in Delhi. Not only that, but the party was also featured in the anti-India international propaganda portal, The New York Times, for its education model. However, when it comes to the reality of the best education model, the truth appears to be far from what is being portrayed.
In its first tenure, Kejriwal promised to build 500 new schools but failed to deliver his promise. When Kejriwal took power in 2015, 706 schools were already functioning. His government only constructed 26 schools between 2015 and 2022.

Moreover, the promise to built 20 colleges is also unfulfilled. Besides, the RTI filed on August 31, 2022, reveals that that no new college was opened by the Delhi government between 2015-2022.

Hence, given the facts and statistics presented above, Sanjay Singh’s claim is misleading. The second tenure of Kejriwal government started in 2020, and many promises which were made in the first tenure are still unfulfilled.
Claim | Kejriwal has fulfilled every promise made in its manifesto |
Claimed by | Sanjay Singh |
Fact Check | Misleading |
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