No, Akshay Kumar will not participate in Bhim Army's reservation movement
A graphic regarding Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar and the reservation movement is going viral on social media these days. Moreover, this graphic is being shared with the claim that on February 12, Akshay Kumar will participate in the Bhim Army’s reservation movement organized in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Besides, many Twitter users including Sidhart Khurana, Ravindra Aajad Ravan, and Ravi Ambedkarwadi have shared the viral graphic, in which Akshay Kumar and Bhim Army Chief Chandra Shekhar Azad’s photo has been made. Along with the photo, this has been written on the viral graphic, “Bhim Army Azad Samaj Party Zindabad. Film actor Akshay Kumar. I am coming in support of the reservation. Let’s go to Bhopal. Long live reservation, 12 February Bhopal, don’t think, come to fight for your right.”
The claims made by the Bhim Army supporters were very shocking. However, claims look fishy as the actor Akshay Kumar has never shown any kind of support for the Bhim Army.
So, is it true that Akshay Kumar is coming to join Bhim Army’s Reservation movement in Bhopal? Let’s Fact Check.
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Starting our investigation, we first searched for some keywords like Akshay Kumar, reservation, and Bhopal, taking a hint from the viral graphic itself. However, during this time we did not get any such news or report in which it has been told that actor Akshay Kumar will participate in any Reservation agitation in Bhopal.
In further investigation, we searched Akshay Kumar’s social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook but here also no information related to the movement was found.
After this, we searched the social media accounts of Bhim Army and its founder Chandra Shekhar Aazad, in which information regarding the reservation movement was found, but information related to Akshay Kumar was not found here either. Moreover, in a tweet, he said that in order to create brotherhood among the deprived Bahujan Samaj and to make the Bahujan Samaj aware of the rights found in the constitution, today in Morena, Madhya Pradesh, joining the ongoing social justice journey under the leadership of Bhim Army and Azad Samaj Party, appealed to the Bahujan Samaj to come to Bhopal on 12th February.
Apart from this, we also found a report by the Humsamvet regarding the Bhopal reservation movement by Bhim Army from January 11, 2023, but here also there was no mention of Akshay Kumar’s participation in the movement.
Hence, all these points prove that the claim of Akshay Kumar’s participation in the Bhopal reservation movement on February 12 is false.
Claim | Actor Akshay Kumar will participate in Bhim Army’s reservation movement |
Claimed by | Bhim Army supporters |
Fact Check | Fake |
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