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No, 105 schools are not closed down in Haryana, false claim by Aam Aadmi Party

On October 6, 2022, the Aam Aadmi Party Haryana unit’s Twitter handle shared a tweet mocking the BJP government’s education approach in Haryana and claiming that 105 schools had been closed in Haryana under Manohar Lal Khattar’s leadership while praising Kejriwal’s education model.

Fact Check

Our team conducted research to verify if the claim made by Haryana AAP twitter handle is true. With the help of keyword search using “105 schools closed down in Haryana,” we came across a report by The Tribune. As per the report, the government took a decision to merge 105 middle and high school with less than 20 students and 25 students with the nearby schools.

The Tribune’s report quoting the sources said that 97 government middle schools had fewer than 20 students and there are schools nearby within 3 kilometres, six middle schools had fewer than 10 students and have no nearby school, and two high schools had fewer than 25 students.

The decision was made to benefit students and guarantee that teachers are available to every students, according to Ambala DEO Sudhir Kalra.

The Tribune

We also found a tweet by DRP Haryana. As per the tweet the Chief Minister Shri Manohar Lal Khattar has refuted the claims of schools and vacant posts of teachers as misleading and baseless. In his address to the press coneference, he said that the state government has not closed any school, some schools have been merged.

Further, using the keyword search “Manohar Lal Khattar press conference on merging 105 schools in Haryana” we came across a 58:30 min long video on YouTube posted on Manohar Lal’s channel on August 25, 2022. In the video, at 11 minutes and 26 seconds, when discussing the education sector, Khattar states that the number of schools has been expanding more or less since 2004. And the reason for this is the demand impact. Along with the demand, the number of students and their needs are most likely being overlooked. One of the issues that occurred last year and was overlooked was the recognition of four types of schools in one facility, namely primary school, middle school, high school, and senior school. And four heads were selected for each of the four types of schools. As a result, the professors who are assigned to conduct at least 30-35 lectures each week have no opportunity to teach.

He further added that in order to tackle this issue, they have decided to consider all of the wings of such schools in a building as one school, and a head would be selected. An incharge will be appointed for each to oversee the administrative work.

From 19:29 minutes, he explained the many additional issues encountered in the education sector, stating that owing to the recognition of four types of schools in one facility, the number of schools on papers had increased to 15 thousand. However, those are not the schools. The statistics are merely around 9-10 thousand. He refuted the claim that schools in Haryana were shuttered, saying that they had all been consolidated.

From 11 min 26 sec onwards

Our analysis reveals that the claim made by AAP party is false. The BJP government in Haryana did not close the 105 schools, but instead merged them with other available schools.

ClaimThe BJP government in Haryana has shut down 105 schools in Haryana
Claimed byAam Aadmi Party
Fact CheckFalse

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