
HindutvaWatch distorted Amit Shah’s statement by falsely bringing communal angle

Fake news peddler and anti-Hindu page, HindutvaWatch, posted a video clip of Home Minister, Amit Shah, on November 25, 2022, claiming that the Union Home Minister had portrayed the perpetrators of the 2002 Gujarat riots as Muslims. And till 2022, no riots occurred as these perpetrators were taught a lesson.

Source- Screenshot of the video

Fact Check

We started our research with the help of reverse image search through InVID WeVerify tool and found that the video clip shared by the HindutvaWatch is from Amit Shah’s recent election rally in the Kheda district, Gujarat.

Furthermore, by doing the keyword search “Amit Shah’s rally in Kheda district, Gujarat,” we came across a video of the rally which was shared by Amit Shah on his YouTube channel. From 16 mins 24 secs onwards to 17 mins 10 seconds, the entire statement of the Home Minister can be heard, where the Union Home Minister, by taking a jibe at the Congress, said, “Gujarat had witnessed the riot in 2002 because the anti-social elements were receiving prolonged support from the Congress. But, after that, they were taught a lesson in 2002, and then these elements left the path. They refrained from indulging in violence and to date 2022, BJP is successful in establishing permanent peace in Gujarat by taking strict action.” The Union Home Minister Amit Shah has nowhere mentioned any community.

From 16 minute onward

Anti-Hindu page HindutavWatch’s claim that Amit Shah blamed Muslims is fake with the intention to create communal tension by misleading people.

ClaimUnion Home Minister had portrayed the perpetrators of the 2002 Gujarat riots as Muslims
Claimed by Anti-Hindu page and fake news peddler HindutvaWatch
Fact CheckFake and misleading

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