INC supporter Tanishka Ambedkar shared a picture of Prime Minister Modi and MP Smriti Irani on November 18, 2022, with a caption that reads “चिंता मत कर पगली मेरे रहते तुझे मंत्रिमंडल से कोई नही निकाल सकता।”

Fact Check
Our research began with the help of the reverse search image in the InVid WeVerify Plugin. The reverse search image led us to the Instagram account of Smriti Irani where we found a post dated July 17, 2017, of Smriti Irani with her daughter.

After seeing the original post on Smriti Irani’s Instagram account, it is evident that the INC supporter Tanishka Ambedkar has shared a fake image of Smriti Irani by photoshopping it, to malign the image of Smriti Irani and PM Modi with the intention to mislead the people.

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