
Fact Check: Is Satyendra Jain not getting privileges like proper food in jail?

On Tuesday, 22 November 2022, Aam Aadmi Party Jailed minister Satyendra Jain submitted before the trial court that he has not been getting proper food and medical checkup in Tihar Jail. He also claimed that he has lost about 28 kg of body weight in custody.

Source: ANI

Here is a report by ANI NEWS about what Satyendra Jain submitted before the court on 22 November.

So, is it true that the AAP Minister Satyendra Jain is not getting proper food and lost 28 kg body weight in custody? Let’s Fact Check.

Also Read: Satyendra Jain is not receiving physiotherapy, but a massage from a rapist

Fact Check

In our research, we found another report by ANI NEWS. In this report, ANI shared another viral CCTV footage of Satyendra Jain’s Cell where he is enjoying plenty of food in jail which is way more than what other prisoners get in jail. According to the ANI report, AAP Minister has also gained 8 kg weight during his time in jail, contrary to his lawyer’s claims of him having lost 28 kg weight.

Source: ANI

Here is the complete report by ANI

So, it is clear that Satyendra Jain and his lawyer have lied to the court once again. Moreover, AAP Minister is getting VIP treatment in jail, from body massages to plenty of food of his choice, he is getting everything. Hence, Satyendra Jain’s claims of not getting proper food and that he has lost 28 kg of Weight while being in custody are false and misleading.

ClaimSatyendra Jain Not getting proper food and lost about 28 kg in custody
Claimed bySatyendra Jain and his Lawyer
Fact CheckFalse and Misleading

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Also Read: Viral image of Smriti Irani and PM Modi is edited

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