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Did Arvind Kejriwal’s Govt sanction e-buses for Delhi? Fact Check

Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, launched 97 more electric buses at Rajghat depot 1 on Wednesday. As a result, the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) would have 249 more buses in its electric fleet. There are currently 102 electric buses operating under. In their 10-year lifespan, the buses are expected to save 0.33 million tonnes of PM 2.5 and PM 10 carbon dioxide (CO2), according to authorities. The Delhi government is also providing free ride to women.

While the people of Delhi are enjoying the services of e-bus, we observed that the Arvind Kejriwal’s government is trying to portray that the e-buses are provided by the Delhi government. This is not the first time the Delhi government has attempted to claim credit of the work done by the central government.

Fact Check

In our research, we came across the press release from the Government of India’s Ministry Of Heavy Industry & Public Enterprises. According to the press statement from the Department of Heavy Industry, the FAME India Scheme has authorized the sanction of 5595 electric buses for 64 cities.

86 bids for the creation of 14988 e-buses from 26 States/UTs were received in response. Later, the central government approved 5095 electric buses for 64 cities on the recommendation of the Project Implementation and Sanctioning Committee (PISC). 100 e-buses for last-mile connection to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation and 400 e-buses for intercity operation (DMRC) were provided.

Source: Department Of Heavy Industry
Source: Department Of Heavy Industry

Hence, in our research we established that the electric buses are sanctioned by Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises which comes under the Government of India and not by the Delhi Government.

ClaimElectric buses are provided by Arvind Kejriwal’s Government
Claimed byDelhi Government
Fact CheckFalse

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