
490 Articles

A mosque in Karnataka is sealed due to custom violation, not due to demand of Hindus

Left propagandist and a serial fake news spreader Ashok Swain infamous for his Hinduphobia in digital space caught lying again. On January 16,...

Muslim boy thrashed for harassing Hindu girl in Khandwa, left propagandists disseminates misleading news

Ashok Swain, a Hindu-phobic Twitter user, is well-known for disseminating fake news about Hindus. Every now and then, he sends out a propaganda...

No, Ganga Vilas cruise was not stuck in Bihar

For the past two days, the Ganga Vilas cruise has been making headlines. Ganga Vilas is India’s first luxury cruise ship. It will...

Fake claim of Priya Singh winning World Bodybuilding Championship in Thailand shared with casteism angle

A Woman bodybuilder from Rajasthan has been making headlines. From breaking stereotypes to making India proud, several outrageous claims are being attributed to...

Fact Check: Did Lt. Gen. Manjinder Singh said Khalistan Referendum voting should be allowed?

Demand for the Khalistan Referendum is the current ongoing movement demanding a separate country from Punjab. This movement is carried out by the...

Cristiano Ronaldo didn't

Fact check: Cristiano Ronaldo said he loves Islam most? Viral claim is fake

An alleged statement of famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is going viral on social media these days, according to which Ronaldo said that he...

No, the old man with whom Nirmala Sitharaman is meeting is not her father

A video of India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is viral on social media these days in which the FM is meeting an old...

Did the bodybuilder kick prize for being a victim of casteism? Fact Check

A Twitter user with the handles Anamika Gautam BSP, Bhim Army Bharat Ekta Mission, Nisha Damor, Sadiq Bhai and Ayesha tweeted a video...