Amidst the shadows of turmoil that have clouded the picturesque landscapes of Manipur, a glimmer of hope for peace emerges, guiding the state...
On July 21, 2023, The Blunt Times, a news media portal, shared a video that instantly grabbed attention and sparked controversy. In the...
In recent times, a video of Shahrukh Pathan, one of the alleged culprits in the Delhi riots, has been circulating on social media....
In the aftermath of the horrific incident that took place in Manipur, where two women were paraded naked and subjected to an unspeakable...
The New Integrated Terminal Building at Veer Savarkar International Airport in Port Blair was recently opened by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A few...
A video went viral on social media in which the disturbing sight of a burning Church can be seen. However, Congress supporter and...
On July 11, 2023, a Twitter handle with the username “Dravidian” sparked a wave of curiosity and debate by sharing a captivating picture...
The Twitter handle of East Bengaluru Congress Seva Dal (Archive link) has recently shared an infographic which mentions that India has bought 36...