After a crushing defeat to New Zealand at home, India suffered another setback, losing the prestigious Border-Gavaskar series 3-1. Despite the loss, the...
On December 31, Adani Enterprises Ltd (AEL) announced its decision to exit its 25-year-old joint venture with Wilmar International in a deal valued...
A video has gone viral on X, showing a man using the Indian flag to dust a table and chair. Social media users...
A video is being shared on social media claims that the statue of King Harshvardhan in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, was removed and replaced...
Recently, news has been circulating that the CM of Bihar, Nitish Kumar, traveled to Delhi to meet PM Modi and BJP President JP...
Social media users are sharing a video and several pictures claiming that something unusual occurred in Pakistan: a boy married his mother. The...
Social media platforms, including mainstream Iranian media, have reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The news...
Following the passing of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, social media has been inundated with messages of condolences and tributes. Amid these, some...