In the ongoing conflict along the Mediterranean coastline, the world now witnesses the start of the third week of intense hostilities. Following a...
In recent times, the situation between Israel and Palestine has grown increasingly tense following a tragic and cowardly attack by Hamas on Israel...
A video went viral on around social media, showing some security forces treating a young child quite harshly, causing the child to cry....
A viral picture recently took social media by storm, featuring a striking image of the Black Flag raised above the Razavi Shrine in...
Last week, a regrettable yet somewhat anticipated incident occurred. Palestinian barbarians, who can’t wield anything better than rudimentary weapons such as machetes, knives or...
A video went viral on social media featuring a CNN journalist interviewing an Israeli soldier. However, Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis, known for propagandist...
Abhisar Sharma, a journalist who has faced recent allegations of receiving Chinese bribes in exchange for producing pro-China content, has released a YouTube...
On October 17, 2023, a video went viral on social media. It featured none other than the President of the United States, Joe...