In an era where numerous technology think tanks unequivocally forecast India’s ascent to the pinnacle of technological prowess, notable instances such as Apple’s...
In the ongoing conflict between Hamas and the Israel Defence Forces, now entering its third month, significant developments have transpired. The IDF has...
In the tumultuous landscape of Kashmir, terrorism orchestrated by Pakistan has resurfaced, casting a dark shadow over several districts. The recent tragic incident...
On the 19th of December, the opulent spectacle that is the Indian Premier League auction unfolded in Dubai, showcasing the cricketing prowess of...
Recently, the most significant triumph of India is undoubtedly the realm of internal security. With the exception of four districts in South Kashmir,...
On the pivotal date of December 11th, a Supreme Court bench, led by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud, affirmed the Indian government’s consequential...
In a recent investigation conducted by OnlyFact, a meticulous unravelling of a complex web of propaganda by OCCRP has been brought to light....
In a time when India stands prominently on the global stage, with a soaring GDP and a resounding foreign policy, certain segments of...
Social media platforms have recently been inundated with reports suggesting a modification in the logo of the National Medical Associations by the Indian...