Home Others A mosque in Karnataka is sealed due to custom violation, not due to demand of Hindus

A mosque in Karnataka is sealed due to custom violation, not due to demand of Hindus


Left propagandist and a serial fake news spreader Ashok Swain infamous for his Hinduphobia in digital space caught lying again. On January 16, 2023, a Hinduphobic Twitter user tweeted a video blaming Hindu supremacists for the closing of a mosque in Belgavi, Karnataka, with the caption, “Officials have sealed a mosque in Karnataka, India, because of the demands from Hindu supremacist groups! The claim is that a private house has been converted to a mosque. They have problems wherever Muslims pray!” This viral claim has garnered 2.9k retweets and 4.5k likes.


Was this Mosque really closed? If its closed is it due to the involvement of Hindutva groups? Lets fact check the claim.

Fact Check

We started our research by viewing the posted video. The outrageous claim made looked suspicious because this doesn’t look like a Mosque. Its more or less look like a residential building.

Source : Image taken from video tweeted by Ashok Swain

To reach any conclusion, we conducted a news search with the keywords “mosque sealed in Karnataka,” which led us to several news publications. It’s covered by regional as well as national media.

Source : Google search

We clicked on first report of Times Now with headline ‘Fathima Masjid’ Sealed In Karnataka’s Belagavi, Authorities Cite ‘Violations‘. Times Now has done a detailed report and debate, so it’s easier to conclude that Twitter user Ashok Swine has tweeted about the same building but with misleading claims.

Source : Times now debate

According to Times now report, locals alleged that a private house was converted into Mosque without permission from the authorities. Corporation had issued a notice regarding the building license violation by carrying out religious activities on the residential property. The mosque has been sealed after the notice from the City Corporation Belagavi.

To build any religious place, you need license from tax authorities. Once you have obtained this certificate, you can register your trust with the relevant state or central government agency. Religious places and trusts are exempted from tax but not the private properties.

Source : Income tax India website

The property owner didn’t follow any legal guidelines to turn their property into a religious place.

Source : vakeel Search Website

The property owner had bypassed all legal means to convert their property into a religious place and to avoid paying taxes. Belgavi Corporation followed due course and locked the mosque after issuing notice.

Source : The Hindu Article

Having concern for minorities and human rights is one thing, but supporting illegal activities in the name of rights has become a trend among left-wing propagandists.

ClaimMosque in Karnataka sealed due to demand from Hindu supremacists
Claimed byAshok Swain
Fact CheckMisleading

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