Home Politics Kejriwal posted edited voice over video to show AAP is securing majority in Gujarat

Kejriwal posted edited voice over video to show AAP is securing majority in Gujarat


On October 19, 2022, Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, shared a video of ABP News to show how the AAP is gaining support in Gujarat and how likely it is to overthrow the Bharatiya Janata Party, who has been in power in Gujarat for more than 27 years. Later, Kejriwal removed his tweet.

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter (Deleted video)

Fact Check

Our team found two videos shared by Twitter user named Fabulas Guy. We found in the first video they talked how Congress is out of the race in Gujarat’s forthcoming election. And the only competitors are the BJP and the AAP. How the AAP is gaining support and might defeat the BJP. And in the second video, anchor raised a question over Kejriwal’s party claiming that they have got an IB report, according to it, in the upcoming election, AAP would create its own government in Gujarat with 106 seats.

After comparing both the videos, there were no similarities found. The context discussed was completely different.

As the matter was related to ABP News and to reverify both the videos, we searched through ABP’s YouTube channel and found a 12:30 video clip. The second video shared by Twitter user Fabulas Guy where they have discussed and questioned Kejriwal’s claim about IB report is the unedited version shared on ABP’s YouTube channel.

Source: ABP News

The first video which was tweeted by Arvind Kejriwal with a caption, “Must see this video to understand the mood of Gujarat.” He shared the edited version. The fake footage with the edited background voice is added to the original video after 52 seconds.

The AAP’s social media team has posted several fake videos and images in recent days to portray that the BJP would lose the next election in Gujarat. The legitimacy of the claim made by AAP about the IB report was just examined and questioned in the original broadcast by ABP Live. To mislead people, Kejriwal shared a fake and edited video.

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