Home History Ambedkarites shared photo of Zulu princes with false claim they fought Koregoan battle

Ambedkarites shared photo of Zulu princes with false claim they fought Koregoan battle


A photo of two soldiers is becoming popular on social media. The Ambedkarites allege that the two warriors fought in the battle of Bhima Koregoan, in which they slaughtered 8000 Peshwa Brahmin troops.

In 1818, the British East India Company attacked the Peshwa group of the Maratha federation in the Battle of Koregaon. The Mahars, who were considered untouchables by the upper caste, fought for the British. The battle of Koregoan effectively ended Peshwa power in Maharashtra.

The photo was shared by a Twitter user named Narendra Ambedkar, who claims that the soldiers are two Mahar soldiers from the battle of Bhima Koregaon.

Another Twitter user uploaded an infographic claiming that an 11-foot-tall soldier weighing 285 kg killed 8,000 Peshwas in the Bhima Koregaon fight, with a caption that read, “We are proud of our proud history. Rare picture of a soldier who single handedly killed 8000 tyrannical Peshwa Brahmin soldiers in the battle of Bhima Koregaon.”

The same photo was shared by a Facebook user named Ambedkar Vadi.

Fact Check

We started our research with a reverse image search, which led us to the page of Imago, a photo agency in Germany, where we spotted the same image. As per the description of the image, the viral image is of two African princes named Dinizulu (or Dinuzulu) and Ndabuko. Dinuzulu is the man on the left, with his uncle Ndabuko KaMpande.

Source: Imago

We further Googled Dinuzulu and Ndabuko and found the similar image of Ndabuko, which was shared by the Twitter user Aajad Samaj Party, on Alamy website. According to Alamy, Prince Ndabuko KaMpande was the younger brother of Cetshwayo KaMpande, the Zulu kingdom’s king from 1873 to 1879. His rule ended in 1879, when the British won the Anglo-Zulu War. In 1879, Britain and the Zulus of southern Africa fought the Anglo-Zulu War.

Photo of Ndabuko

We also found a journal report titled “Mistaken Identity” on these two princes. In the journal report, we spotted both the viral images. According to the photo’s description from the journal, the photo was shot when Prince Dinuzulu was arrested along with his uncle Ndabuko by Natal authorities on charges of high treason during the Zulu civil war, which took place between 1883 and 1888.

Mistake Identity
Mistaken Identity

Ndabuko was born in 1942, Dinuzulu in 1868, and the battle of Koregoan took place in 1818. There is a significant year difference between the birth dates of both princes and the year of the battle. Thus, it was impossible for Ndabuko and Dinuzulu to even take part in the Koregaon battle.

Hence, according to the aforementioned facts, it is evident that the pictures of two troops are of an African prince. Also, from the facial features and physical characteristics, it can be understood that they both belong to an African ethnicity.

ClaimA viral photo of Zulu princes are from the battle of Koregaon
Claimed bySocial media users
Fact CheckFake

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